Bruno Aveillan: RODIN AND THE GATES OF HELL. written by Zoé Balthus and and Bruno Aveillan screened at the Cantor Arts Center, Stanford University
Art is contemplation. It is the pleasure of the mind which searches into nature and which there divines the spirit by which Nature herself is animated. It is the joy of the intellect which sees clearly into the Universe and which recreates it, with conscientious vision. Art is the most sublime mission of man, since it is the expression of thought seeking to understand the world and to make it understood. Auguste Rodin
A film by Bruno Aveillan
written by Zoé Balthus and and Bruno Aveillan
I think cars today are almost the exact equivalent of the great Gothic cathedrals. I mean the supreme creation of an era, conceived with passion by unknown artists, and consumed in image if not in usage by a whole population which appropriates them as a purely magical object. Roland Barthes, The New Citroën, 1957
The Fragment
he blows no longer on small pipes,
but with savage blasts,
without a mouthpiece.
Location An acoustic sculpture
installed on the shore of San Francisco Bay in May 1986
by Peter Richards of the Exploratorium
and sculptor and mason George Gonzales
with a series of 25 PVC organ pipes
the organ interacts with the waves of the bay
conveying sound at different areas within the site.
Performed at the Asian Art Museum in San Francisco Lolas was a performance installation by Ryan Tacata that explored notions of cultural assimilation and resistance through one lola’s garden, an assemblage of found materials, religious icons and constructed identities.
Protest to Protect Bayview Hunters Point
Against Pollution and Gentrification!
On July 15th, developer Lennar (aka Five Points) held their “Grand Opening” of the “Monarch” luxury townhouses built next to the radioactive and toxic contaminated Hunters Point Naval Shipyard Superfund Site
Jul 16, 2017 | Categories: Resistance, The City | Tags: San Francisco | Comments Off on Protest to Protect Bayview Hunters Point Against Pollution and Gentrification
Resistance: Ars Technica editors Annalee Newitz and Joe Mullin speak to UC Santa Cruz sociology professor Lindsey Dillon about how the Trump administration has been removing scientific and environmental data from the Web.
This lamp will last 10,000 years. … It’s such a weird idea, to make an object that is designed to be around for several thousand years. Nobody ever thinks in those terms anymore. At all. Do you know what I’m saying? Chris Burden
Sophocles Oedipus in Fort Mason Chapel as part of The San Francisco International Arts Festival
The staged reading of Oedipus happened last night in Fort Mason Chapel for San Francisco International Arts Festival … I’m biased but i thought it was marvelous
and more than anything
I’m in awe of the incredible effort
intelligence, humor and grace
of my collaborators in this all too brief adventure
Every child has known God, Not the God of names, Not the God of don’ts, Not the God who ever does anything weird, But the God who knows only four words.
And keeps repeating them, saying:
‘Come dance with me, come dance.’ Hafiz(translation by Daniel Ladinsky)
What an artist is trying to do for people is bring them closer to something, because of course art is about sharing. You wouldn’t be an artist unless you wanted to share an experience, a thought. David Hockney but then…
The photograph isn’t good enough. It’s not real enough. David Hockney
May 07, 2017 | Categories: Industries | Tags: Palo Alto | Comments Off on Site Specific Dance at Pace Gallery Palo Alto