Toxic Tour: American Association of Geographers field trip to Hunters Point, San Francisco. Led by Marie Harrison and Etecia Brown with Greenaction for Health and Environmental Justice, and organized by Jonathan London and Lindsey Dillon with University of California Davis.
A “toxic tour” of San Francisco’s southeast neighborhood of Bayview-Hunters Point for the American Association of Geographers. The southeast is historically the industrial area of the city, and includes the Southeast Sewage Treatment Plant, a large waste transfer station, the Hunters Point Naval Shipyard, and hundreds of other toxic sites. The trip also included a visit to Literacy for Environmental Justice’s native plant nursery.
The low-income, residential community-of-color is disproportionately and cumulatively impacted by multiple stationary and non-point source forms of pollution. More recently, the community has experienced gentrification due to new up-scale housing and commercial development.