Live Art research, scholarship and documentation that reveals the history of environments while exploring a means to imagine alternative possibilities.
Sophocles Laocoön at BAMPFA
Euripides The Man Who Knows (Fragment #115)
Aeschylus Danaids at Pulgas Water Temple
Aeschylus Mysians
Euripides Path of Steady Success (Fragment #259)
Sophocles’ Nausicaä at Pillar Point
Euripides, Love is the Fullest Education (Fragment #91) on Slacker Hill
Sophocles, Speechless Fish (Fragment #110) at San Gregorio
Aeschylus’ The Argo at San Francisco Maritime
Euripides, No Man’s Friend (Fragment #266), Aquatic Park
Aeschylus’ Glaucus of Potniae at Golden Gate Fields
Sophocles’ Sinon at Emeryville Mudflats
Aeschylus’ Daughters of Helios at Año Nuevo State Park
Sophocles’ Oedipus for San Francisco International Art Festival
The Balcony by Jean Genet, Collected Works
King Fool, We Players
The Blue Room by David Hare
True West by Sam Shepard
Marat/Sade by Peter Weiss
The Revenger’s Tragedy by Cyril Tournour
Mountain Language by Harold Pinter
Altea Hayes’ Bird’s Eye View, McMurtry Art Building, Stanford
Alonzo King LINES Ballet Pole Star
Alonzo King LINES Ballet Common ground
Chocolate Heads: Ghost Architecture, 2016
Nothing is Sacred?, Museum of Performance + Design, 2016
Chocolate Heads: Spring Charrette, 2016
Chocolate Heads: Flower at Windhover, 2016
Artist Weather: Pray for Rain, 2016
Chocolate Heads: Building Scene ⎪Space Launch, 2015
Artist Weather Television, 2015-
Shakespeare’s Romeo & Juliet, 2015
We Players’King Fool, 2014
We Players’Macbeth at Fort Point, 2014
Collected Works’ Lecture on Nothing, 2013
We Players’ Macbeth at Fort Point, 2013
Angrette McCloskey’s Building Score 101b, 2013
Collected Works’ Princess Ivona, 2013
Niki Ulehla’s Inferno, 2011
Collected Works’ My Head is Burning, 2011
Niki Ulehla’s Hansel & Hansel, 2011
Franconia Performance Salon, 2011–2015
Alonzo King LINES Ballet Reunion Island
Alonzo King LINES Ballet Gala 2019
Alonzo King and David Harrington discuss Common Ground
Alonzo King LINES Ballet Site Specific Dance
Chocolate Heads rehearsing in Roble Gym, Stanford
Sophocles Nausicaä at Pillar Point
The Chocolate Heads Building Scene : Space
The Iota: fragments from Aeschylus, Sophocles & Euripides
Jean Genet’s The Balcony at The Old Mint
Shakespeare’s Sonnets
Moby Dick
We Players’ Macbeth at Fort Point
Collected Works’ Princess Ivona
Grotowski Workcenter
Dante’s Inferno
The spectacle is not a collection of images,
but a social relation among people,
mediated by images.
Guy Debord