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Sharka & Rodin

Rodin, Stanford Arts, Cantor Art Museum, Cantor Arts Center, Rodin sculpture garden, stanford university, Rodin Stanford

Gsell: What astonishes me, is that your way is so different from that of other sculptors. They prose the model. Instead of that, you wait till a model has instinctively or accidentally taken an Interesting pose, and thon you reproduce It. Instead of your giving orders to the model, the model gives orders to you.
Rodin: I am not at the model’s orders; I am at Nature’s. Doubtless my confreres have their reasons for proceeding as they do. But when one constrains Nature in that way and treats human beings as mannikins, one runs a risk of getting nothing but dead, artificial results. A hunter of truth and a trapper of life. I am careful not to follow their example. I seize upon the movements I observe, but I don’t dictate them. when a subject requires a predetermined pose, I merely Indicate It. For I want only what reality will afford without being forced. In everything I obey Nature. I never assume to command her. My sole ambition Is a servile fidelity.
Gsell: And yet, you take liberties with nature. You make changes.
Rodin: Not at all. I should be false to myself if I did.
Gsell: But you finished work is never like the plaster sketch
Rodin: That is so, but the sketch is far less true than the finished work. It would Impossible for a model to keep a living attitude during all the time it takes to shape the clay. Still, I retain a general idea of the pose and require the model to conform to it. But this is not all. The sketch reproduces only the exterior. I must next reproduce the spirit, which is every whit as essential a part of Nature. I see the whole truth — not merely the fraction of it that lies upon the surface. I accentuate tho lines that best express the spiritual state I am Interpreting.

Paul Gsell (translated from La Revenue), “Rodin on realism. He interprets the beauty of ugliness”,  Boston Evening, March 15, 1910

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