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LINES Ballet’s “Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled”

LINES Ballet, Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled, YBCA, Ballet Photography

LINES Ballet, Lisa Fischer

LINES Ballet, Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled, YBCA, Ballet Photography

LINES Ballet, Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled, YBCA, Ballet Photography

LINES Ballet, Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled, YBCA, Ballet Photography

LINES Ballet, Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled, YBCA, Ballet Photography

As artists, which we all are, our obsession is to crumble the veils of delusion, to make the invisible apparent, and to see behind all appearance. If I’ve come to a realization where I’ve left the sense of ‘me‘, and expanded to the sense of ‘we’, finally stepping into the idea of ‘oneness’, how can I exploit a mountain? How can I exploit a people? Because I realize that people and that mountain, is me. That ocean that is being polluted is me.
Alonzo King

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