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Gallery Exhibit Dance

Adji Cissoko dancing beautifully among a gallery exhibit of my photographs for Alonzo King LINES Ballet.

Jamie Lyons, Gallery Exhibit Dance, Exhibition sign

Translation: Photographer and videographer (but also director, teacher and researcher), Jamie Lyons has been pursuing fraternal companionship for several years with choreographer Alonzo King.

During his first visit to Reunion, he followed the company in its explorations of the wild and basaltic landscapes of our island which inspired the sublime  Pole Star . Armed with his camera and a camera, he captured and staged his dancers in the natural settings of the Niagara waterfall, Mafate or Piton de la Fournaise to draw a series of snapshots and sketches where the rock, mist and emerald of great dreams frame the grace and energy of bodies.

A magnificent dance walk in these natural monuments that we rediscover here, more beautiful than ever, through an inspired and unique American perspective.

Gallery Exhibit Dance

How funny things are! You go to those museums and galleries and think what a damned bore they are and then, when you least expect it, you find that something you’ve seen comes in useful. It shows art and all that isn’t really waste of time.
W. Somerset Maugham, Theatre

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