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Franconia Performance Salon #11

Franconia Performance Salon #11 featured performances by Fred Schmidt-Arenales, Sarah Mendelsohn, and Karen Penley; and excerpts of a new performance text by Martin Schwartz; a sound installation by Derek Phillips; and a video game by Daniel Jackson.

Franconia Performance Salon, performance art, Ryan Tacata, san francisco

franconia performance salon, performance art, san francisco, angrette, mccloskey, theatre, theater, documentation, photography, san francisco, site specific, artist, theory and practice, San Francisco Performance Art, San Francisco Avant Garde

Ryan Tacata, Tonyanna Borkovi, Franconia Performance Salon, San Francisco, performance art

Martin Schwartz, performance art, san francisco theater

It takes a lot of time to be a genius. You have to sit around so much doing nothing, really doing nothing.
Gertrude Stein

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